Project Zomboid Mod:
Aquatsar Yacht Club


iBrRus , Aiteron , Kukrapok , Troy Mc'Clure , David Ree


The listed mods must always be installed and activated.

Tsar's Common Library


To make the mod work in multiplayer in the server config disable anti-cheat protection for type 12. AntiCheatProtectionType12=false

Welcome to the Aquatsar Yacht Club!

We strongly recommend that you passed an initial briefing. The Club member is obliged to strictly follow the rules of this instruction. Violation of the rules can lead to serious injury or even death.


Before your journey:
  1. Check that you have personal flotation devices (swimming trunks, goggles, diving mask, lifebuoy).
  2. Before going out to sea, assess the strength and direction of the wind (use a compass).
  3. Stock up on food, fresh water and medicines. If you are planning to get to the boat by swimming, then you should not take too many heavy things with you, because you can lose them. Don’t try to swim with a crowbar in your hands!

  4. To lower the boat from the trailer, use the winch (key “V”).
  5. To get to the boat, take a running jump in water (WASD + Shift + Space). But be careful, head diving is not recommended.
  6. Climb aboard the boats using a specially organized ladder, holding onto the railing.
After boarding:
  1. Familiarize yourself with the evacuation plan (key “Z”).
  2. Carry out a technical inspection of the yacht. Check the fuel level in the gas tank, the condition of the battery, and on the sailing yacht the condition of the sails.

  3. In case the cabin is closed, you need to use a key or other less legal tools to open the lock.

  4. Before leaving, check if the hatches are closed, if things are fixed in the saloon, in the galley, in the cabins, check that all lockers are latched, the toilet seat cover is lowered and the valves are closed. Don’t forget to raise the anchor.
While traveling:
  1. Do not throw any items overboard, even if you really want to do it (by right mouse clicking on an item in your inventory). The Club is not responsible for things lost in this way.
  2. In the case of a galley (kitchen), be careful when using electrical appliances.

  3. When changing the position of the sail (keys “Left arrow” and “Right arrow”), watch the ropes - sheets, mooring lines, anchor rope. If they find themselves overboard, wind up on the propeller, the yacht will be immobilized. Catch your foot - you fly overboard. Put your foot in the loop of the anchor rope - you will go to the bottom with the anchor.
  4. The devices installed on the sailing boat will tell you the direction and strength of the wind, as well as give you a hint on which side to set the sail (focus on the color).

  5. Do not swim in drift (not at anchor). The yacht is drifting at a speed of one or two knots - don’t catch up by swimming!
  6. When leaving and mooring, all free team members must be vigilant and ready to act according to the situation.

  7. In the event of a malfunction that cannot be eliminated on your own, send a request for service to the administration of the Club.
End of briefing.

By joining our Club you confirm that you have all the necessary skills to control motor and sailing yachts. If you have any questions about boat management, ask them in the comments. More experienced members of the Club will answer your questions.

Worked on the mod:
iBrRus - lua code, scripts, motor yacht interfaces
Aiteron - lua code, scripts
Kukrapok - 3D models, environment sounds, sailing yacht interfaces
Troy Mc’Clure - 3D models
David Ree - music.

Workshop ID: 2392987599
Mod ID: AquatsarYachtClub

Where to download?

Steam Workshop: Open page

v.1.18 (25 Mar, 2023)

Minimum version of the game: 41.73
Yandex.Disk: Download

v.1.17 (03 Jan, 2023)

Minimum version of the game: 41.73
Yandex.Disk: Download

v.1.16 (13 Mar, 2022)

Minimum version of the game: 41.51
Yandex.Disk: Download

Don't see the latest version?

Click here.


Redistribution of this mod without explicit permission from the original creator is prohibited under any circumstances. This includes, but not limited to, uploading this mod to the Steam Workshop or any other site, distribution as part of another mod or modpack, distribution of modified versions.